Renewable energy is an of alternative to using fossil fuel as a main energy source. It is produced using natural resources that are constantly replaced and never run out. It can be obtained by solar energy, hydropower, bioenergy, geothermal, ocean energy and wind energy.

Solar energy is energy generated from the sun’s heat or sunlight. Solar power is energy captured from the sun which is converted into electricity, or used to heat air, water, or other fluids. While hydropower  and ocean energy uses the force or energy of moving water to generate power. This power is called ‘hydroelectricity’. Furthermore, wind energy is generated by converting wind currents into other forms of energy using wind turbines. Wind turbines convert the force of the wind into a torque, which propels an electric generator to create electricity. And geothermal energy is stored as heat in the earth.The heat is generated by the natural decay over millions of years of radiogenic elements including uranium, thorium and potassium.


  • HYDROPOWER: Is the abbreviation for hydroelectric power.
  • GEOTHERMAL: Of or relating to the internal heat of the earth.
  • TORQUE: Twisting force that tends to cause rotation.


Reading Plan 
1 - 2017 / 2018


Mariana Mahecha


In this article, they talked about how technology has overwhelmed the beauty industry. But don't get me wrong, this is not about nanobots in our makeup, it hasn't been that broad in the field yet. For now, it’s just about the marketing and how they can adjust the irreplaceable experience you get from shopping in real life. So for now, L'Oréal had created an app when you can “try” all their product virtually, some technology similar to the Snapchat filters, but so much better, because they use an algorithm that captures 64 data points on your face, making it intuitive enough to discern between the skin of the lips, eyes and other facial contours. So, it is just like your phone being your mirror, and you can try eyeliner, foundations, lipstick and a bunch of more things.

As we might think, there is a conflict between technology and beauty line, but nowadays, there is nothing technology can’t be mix with. So, for now, some enterprise like L'Oréal have to try to created a direct link between these two areas. And, as I said before, they are trying to vinculate their endeavor white an App that give you the “same” experience as if you will be shopping in real life. And I think that, doing this, they are improving one hundred percent the way of buying maquillage online, because one of the things many people are afraid of buying online, is not getting what you are expecting to get, or just frankly don’t know what foundation color matches your skin tone. So, I consider that this "new way of shopping online" would transform completely the maquillage industry.

  • Nanobots: It is a really, really small robot
  • Foundation: liquid cream with a color similar to your skin
  • Mauillage: Is the same as makeup

English Level:
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Article # 4

Both inventions (the green Cube and the Droplet) has been made for spare the water consumption, mainly on the agriculture processes, so knowing how function each of them, we are going to analyze who of them is more viable.

The 'Green Cube' by Chinese company XYZ Printing, is a hydroponic box that allows lettuce and other vegetables to be grown anywhere in an accelerated grown, climate is displayed at the Unveiled press preview event for the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

While Droplet is the world's first smart sprinkler system which combines the latest technology in robotics, and contain a range of about 30 feet in any direction, cloud computing and connected services to transform the way sprinkler systems function. This machine keeps your plants healthy without wasting water by drawing upon a vast system of data to intelligently determine how best to care for your plants. By being smart, precise and frugal, Droplet can lower your sprinkler water consumption by up to 90%.

The state-of-the-art robotic sprinkler understands each plant and disperses the proper amount of water to ensure even and efficient water without wasting it. Grass, Trees, Potted plants and Gardens - it doesn't matter. Droplet has specialized water routines which target each plant type in a different way. Lawns are watered row by row, the way a farmer plows fields. Trees are watered at the drip line instead of the trunk because the drip line is where the water is more readily absorbed.

But, which of this invention is better? It depends on where you are, because that determine your real needs. Things like the weather, how many times in a day rains in your city, the space and the quality of the soil where you are planting, and the seasons in your country are some factors that can affect the decision of which machine is preferable for you.  For example, in the United States you have different and heavy seasons, and buying a plot is so expensive, so maybe, if you want to have some crops, it could be better for you to buy a Green Cube.

However, analyzing the weather conditions and the ground that form Colombia, it would be much better to implement the droplet as a tool for the improvement of the agriculture. Aditional, we have to take into account the amount of production Colombia produces, it would be way too expensive for the peasant to obtain a green cube.


  • Hydroponic: Th
    e growing of plants mode by placing the roots in liquid solutions rather than in soil.
  • Cloud computing: The use of a computer to process data or perform calculations than can be carried anywhere.


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As many of you already knew, Instagram is an app that has been five years in the App Store. In that, her main function has been to share pictures in your inbox, so that way, your followers can see it too, and also, you could chat with other people, a not too much popular function. Nevertheless, it seen that she is having some competition, and Instagram is trying to shake them off.

A year later Instagram hits App store, Snapchat, a very special app, begins to follow her. In this, you could only take pictures and Upload to “your story", where it only been allowed to see them 24 hours after, and then they are deleted; besides having an uncountable quantity of filters and other options that are refreshed every week. But, despite the longevity of the latest, a few months ago it has become much popular, so Instagram became the second option. But, a few weeks ago, Instagram made a new upgrade like Snapchat (too much similar, I would say) called “Bolt”, where you could take a picture, and add it some text, emojis and even draw on it.

Instagram hasn't said anything about it, but for some is jealous, where Facebook, the owner of Instagram, was trying to take revenge for his fail trying to buy Snapchat about three years ago.


Rojas, L. (2016). [online] ENTER.CO. Available at: [Accessed 28 Aug. 2016].



There's a constantly fear for many is that, your laptop or smartphone's battery ends working for shorter periods of time, and people don't know how to avoid this. But, what would you do if I tell you that has shared more than once tips for this fears, and here, we’re going to talk about some of them.

Beginning with the most obvious like not to expose them to higher temperatures, neither too hot or too cold, because that not only damage the battery, but also the equipment operation. 
Other Tips that many of you can't even imagine is not to let your battery drains at all, because if that happens nearly, it would stay charged for shorter. In the same way, the ideal when you stop using a device for too longer is to let it with about 40% of charged, because if you let it without any charge, it would never turn on again. And something mainly for laptops is to leave the battery in an 80-40 cycles, where it is loaded it when it’s at 40% and stop to reach 80%.

These, and a few tips more to extend your battery's useful life and duration could be very useful for the care of new, or even old devices. And things like leaving your smartphone charging all night is not as bad as we used to thing. So I would like to invite you to join, and read other tips to lengthen your phone's battery, and see what you didn't know.


Cuartas, E. (2016). [online] ENTER.CO. Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2016].

Peñaredonda, J. (2016). [online] ENTER.CO. Available at: [Accessed 27 Aug. 2016].



Having the knowledge of the conflict that has taking place in the Middle East, and since Rudaw reported that major clashes are taking place in Mosul, a city in northern Iraq. This is because Isis has maintained control of this territory since 2014 and Iraq's special forces are seeking to recover this city since October 2016. The Islamic State has been making use of Drones, in order to make much precise attacks against Iraqi forces or anyone who stands in their plans to win the war faced up at Syria and Iraq. ISIS used well equipped drones with cameras to discover the Iraqi force camp's location. This way, they plan accurate attacks. In addition, they are trying to equip them with weapons and hand grenade and other explosive items trying to cause much damage.

Many people are great fans of technology and the huge evolutions it has brought with it. However, despite the technological advances that has been made nowadays, not all people use this tools for the development of humanity. On the other hand, they use it to abuse people's wellbeing throwing bombs and shooting innocent people modifying drones with some kind of weapons.

This is an invitation to encourage people and let them know about the damage that a great thing such as technology, could become as a really grave trouble. And to make us realize the tremendous problems that are happening in the world. And not is only about the damage that people could make, but is about the tolerance, the respect, the religious issues and social indignation that are taking place in a territory where there is a poor distribution of the wealth, produced by oil and natural gas reserves. Therefore, people decided to rise against the State, and since then, the uprising conflicts haven't stopped.


  •  Mosul: North Iraq City
  • Islamic State : An Islamist-Sunni insurgent group, created in 2003 to confront US troops in Iraq.
  • Drones: An unmanned aerial vehicle.

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Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por Mariana Mahecha

6 comentarios:

Alonso dijo...

Grado Octavo.
Valoración Trabajo de Consulta, Organización y Publicación de Información
Experiencia 1 - Manual Imagen Digital Parte II - Publicación y Evaluación

Criterio 1:
Tipos de Imagen digital: OK
Ventajas y Desventajas: OK
Formatos de Imagen digital: Ausente
Características de la imagen digital: Ok
Programas para edición de la imagen digital: Ausente
Diseño Manual en Publisher: Solicita permiso para ver
Organización en Mapa Mental: Ok

Nivel Criterio 1: 5

Criterio 2:
Publicación del Mapa mental: OK
Publicación del Manual en Publisher: OK
Mapa Mental
- Textos claros y cortos: Ok. Faltaron los programas y los formatos
- Uso de imágenes y ramas por colores: Ok
Manual en Publisher
- Entendible, buena síntesis: Ok. Faltaron los programas y los formatos
- Diseño: Mejorable
Ortografía, uso de mayúsculas/munúsculas, tildes: Ok

Nivel Criterio 2: 6

Criterio 3:
Cuenta con su Blog Académico: OK
Tiene publicado el mapa mental y el manual solicitado: OK
Participó de manera activa, efectiva y efeciente de los documentos maestros: OK
Participó con comentarios asertivos de al menos un Blog de un compañero: OK
Tiene su portafolio digital, debidamente organizado: OK

Nivel Criterio 3: 7

Alonso dijo...

Experiencia 1- Periodo 3-Construcción MiniRobot

Criterio 1:
Valoración: 7.
El documento es claro y concreto.
Muy creativo. Excelente presentación.

Criterio 2:
Valoración: 7
El minirobot funcionó de acuerdo a los requerimientos
Hizo su exposición a los jóvenes de otro grado.

Criterio 3
Valoración: 6
Publicó las presentaciones sobre el MiRobot.
Faltó publicar la presentación sobre Robótica

Alonso dijo...

Article opinion 1. Observations:


Title: Ok
Topic: It's very interesting. The article is complete.
Image: Ok.

English: The W&I level is B1+, but you have some red lines. Final level: B2

Unknown dijo...

Reviewed by: Juan Diego Contreras
Class: 9B
Pages (Math, Spanish, Social Studies, English, Computer Science): Complete
Title of the Second Experience (Digital Video/Image/Audio Manual) and Title of the Third Experience (Opinion Article #1): Complete
Infographic / Mind Map (good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, pictures, colors, English): Not very aesthetic, well organized and clear. Wrong spelling, could be better.
Master document and Synthesis Links: Complete
Master Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific): Incomplete
Synthesis Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, synthesis, English): Missing
Opinion Article (Title, summary, opinions, suggestions, image, source, good style, English level): Complete, clear and spelling is ok.

General observations and suggestions (What was the better and the worst for you. Blog Style. Really could you learn something with the blog?): I know you can do better, the synthesis link is missing and it all looks mediocre. Put more effort the next time xx
Co-evaluation (Grade): 4

Alonso dijo...

Experience 2:Article 2

Criteria 1: 5 B2
Criteria 2: 7
Criteria 3: 7
Criteria 4: 7

Sofi Fonseca dijo...

I think it´s a very interesting theme, because a lot of people doesn´t now. Also the use of english are very advance and good.